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Big bath time!

Shortly after getting back home, we let Ada take a bath sans infant tub. We think this looks like approval, yes?  

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Ada’s first Christmas

As seen by Daddy. =)

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Virginia for the holidays

What a whirlwind 2 weeks it’s been for Ada and her mama! Ada’s Uncle Will and Aunt Jess recently returned from Germany after a 3-year station there, and it was really important that we spend as much time as possible with them before they move (again!) to Georgia in a couple weeks. So rather than … Continue reading »

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Dinner and Bath Time

For those needing an Ada fix here are some photos I took last week. Dinner and bath time with mama. Don’t worry the bath time photos are rated PG =)  

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Gold star parenting moment

Or: why you should always carefully cut up your kid’s spaghetti Last night I was giving Ada a snack, a few bites of leftover spaghetti. She was doing well with it but started coughing afterwards. I didn’t think much of it, gave her some water, but then the coughing escalated. And sneezing started. And her … Continue reading »

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For the little things. “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” ― G.K. Chesterton

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Just dropping in to say hello

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A New Jersey Mall-o-ween

Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, we spent real Halloween helping our friends move house. (Movers weren’t able to come at the last minute, so we and a few others helped Owen and his parents move from a second- to a fourth-floor walk-up apartment.) Our governor also tried to reschedule Halloween for the following Monday, since most … Continue reading »

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Election 2012 & Anniversary #1

Thanks for all the love and congratulations yesterday, on our marriage’s first birthday. There was no better way to celebrate than spending the day having adventures with our Adabug. (She’s the best part of… pretty much everything.) We voted – all three of us, of course! – and then picked up an anniversary cake from … Continue reading »

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A ray of sunshine

Holy smokes, we’re overdue for a post. It will be a long one, covering a long walk in Central Park with Grandma Barb, another visit with Grandma Nikki, a new tooth(!), a hurricane, a black-out, and two new exciting skills Ada’s picked up along the way. We’ll get there. It’s our new motto, and one … Continue reading »

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