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The secret to getting Ada to open up is to turn the phone’s camera forward-facing and let her see and talk to herself. Also notice (1) her rad Syracuse merchandise courtesy of Uncle Alberto on our recent visit and (2) Elmo’s short photo bomb at the beginning. Ha!

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Stop and smell ’em.

Well, we don’t know what to call this, but we think it’s the result of our attempting to teach Ada how to sniff flowers. Enjoy!

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A great new game

If there’s anything more fun than having a one-year-old, I don’t know what it is.

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  We’ve mostly been admiring the blizzard from the cozy perch of home, but we took an afternoon stroll to see the foot of snow. Ada slept most of the time cocooned in her snow suit, pumpkin patch hat and grandma Nikki scarf. By the time we got to the park in the afternoon, there … Continue reading »

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And…. she’s off.

We were so thrilled to get footage of Ada taking a handful of steps last week. So much progress! we thought. Not to be outdone, Ada just kept on going. And going. And going. This video was taken on Wednesday, a scant 6 days after taking a few tentative steps. Eric kept on filming until … Continue reading »

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Happy birthday, baby.

We’re a few days late in writing about it, but this weekend we celebrated Ada’s first birthday. She was born on February 2nd (Groundhog’s Day!) at 12:31am after a perfectly normal, 24-hour, wonderful and hard labor. In celebration of her first year, we decided to throw a tea party. We initially imagined something casual, easy … Continue reading »

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Master Daddy

Last weekend we had another family travel adventure. This time we went back to our old college stomping grounds: Syracuse! It had been at least 5 or 6 years since either of us had been back there and suffice it to say that neither of us imagined that this next trip would see us return … Continue reading »

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Independent mobility: she’s got that.

For the last week or so, Ada has been doing a little two-step shuffle for one or two paces and then plopping down on her bum. Today, though…   Shortly thereafter, Mama cried like a baby. We’re so proud. PS: A year ago today, Mama went into labor for Ada’s birth. We couldn’t imagine that … Continue reading »

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Growing like a wildflower

In just the last few weeks since we returned from Virginia, we’ve been amazed to see Ada go through a developmental growth spurt. Yes, she’s had the corresponding sleep disruptions that go along with growth spurts (sleepy groan, grumble grumble) but watching her sprout new ideas and skills and talents has been worth every sleepless … Continue reading »

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