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I stepped away during lunch to get some juice, and Ada Quickfingers grabbed the avocado sitting in the table. She discovered a new, much more fun way to eat them.

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Ada, Sophie & the Deep South

What an adventurous week we’ve had! Ada and Mama are reporting from Ft. Benning, Georgia, where we’ve been for a week to welcome the newest Larsen baby, Will and Jess’ daughter Sophie Marie. Sophie was born on Thursday, the day after we arrived. We’ve had a wonderful time getting to know Sophie and watching her … Continue reading »

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Happy Passover 5773

This year we had an intimate Passover Seder – just the three of us. Ada enjoyed the candles, the food, and even the wine. She has drinking wine off of a finger down. Next year we will try to get more photos, but for now, enjoy! We surely did.

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Bathtime giggles are the best

At bath tonight, I was imitating her refusing food at dinner. She thought it was pretty funny. And we think it’s funny that she thinks it’s funny.

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A new family portrait

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Gratuitous cuteness

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Tickle Monster

We had a wonderful weekend visit with Auntie Jess Vought. She arrived on Friday in the middle of a weirdo-March snowstorm, and we had a relaxed, delicious, quiet few days together. She came with us to Sign & Sing and we went for a walk in Hoboken to eat our unbelievably tasty fresh mozzarella sandwiches. … Continue reading »

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Actually funny.

Before having kids, I’d hear kids are so funny and I’d kinda shrug and dismiss it as a platitude. You know, like kids say the darndest things, and they’re all published on cheesy desk calendars or in Readers Digest for folks to read in the dentist’s office. I’d secretly think that somewhere along the line … Continue reading »

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Dancing queen

She got moves like you’ve never seen. Well, maybe. Ada’s dance move du jour is a body wiggle with hands above her head, pointer fingers pressed to thumbs in a kind of Arabic mudra wiggly dance… thing. Daddy and I would both be very happy to take credit of this super cute move, but neither … Continue reading »

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