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Weekend in Virginia

This weekend we took a weekend trip to Virginia to see family and friends. With more travel planned in August we weren’t sure when we’d be down again, so we left Friday afternoon. Once again we regretted leaving on a summer work day, because it took us almost six and a half hours to get … Continue reading »

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It’s a hot one

We’re making our way through a heat wave these last couple weeks. It’s been hot enough that we try not to go out for long periods of time; a trip to the homemade ice cream shop and back will just about do it for us. With stops to sniff the flowers on the way home, … Continue reading »

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LA, baby – er, toddler!

We’re just about re-acclimated to East coast time again, so it’s time for an update about our wonderful trip to California! Daddy couldn’t get time off of work for this trip, so it was all about the gals and Grandpa T. For a week full of so many fun adventures, it was reaaallly relaxing. (Well, … Continue reading »

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Just a few summertime adventures

Last Friday we met up with Carly and Benjamin for a long walk through their old neighborhood and along the water front. The daddies met up with us on their way home from work. Ada loooooves her Seth (“Suh! Suh!”) and walked with him on the pier for 45 minutes, identifying every boat and helicopter. … Continue reading »

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She sweeps.

She’s quite an independent little thing, Ada Grace. (Yes, we know she comes by that particular trait honestly.) Lately when we are occupied with something that she’d prefer we not be, she’ll shoo our hands away and say, “no no!” And when we are doing something that she’d prefer to do by herself, she often … Continue reading »

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just a chat in the back seat

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She’s on a milkshake diet.

And by diet, we mean milkshakes every day, doctor’s orders. She’s not too broken up about it.

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No autographs, please.

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Springtime shenanigans

Wowza, we’ve been on a post drought of late, huh? OOPS! Since we left off, Mama had a couple client births, Ada got a touch of stomach bug, and the Cali-Jukis came to visit the Jersey Jukes! (You like that?) First we had a week with Grandma Nikki, and then Grandpa T came to join … Continue reading »

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Another chapter of the big girl chronicles

While we were walking through the mall, Ada decided that her cow needed some fly kicks from Kids Foot Locker too.   Wherein Mama kinda-sorta encourages throwing food on the floor. Oops.   The two videos aren’t particularly related. But they do make us think, what a big kid she’s becoming!

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