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Weekend in Virginia

Posted by on July 22, 2013

This weekend we took a weekend trip to Virginia to see family and friends. With more travel planned in August we weren’t sure when we’d be down again, so we left Friday afternoon. Once again we regretted leaving on a summer work day, because it took us almost six and a half hours to get there. (Yuck! No fun for any of us.)
But we arrived just in time for a nice dinner with Grandad (Dave) and nana. We also got to tour his summer backyard garden and pretend-ride on the lawn mower, which Ada was *totally* into.
On Saturday we drove to Maryland and had a day with Jess Vought and the Dispenzas. We had fried chicken by the pool and the boys Tino and Lucas played with Ada in the baby pool. (Ada still doesn’t quite understand what all the fuss over swimming is about. She’s quite content to stand outside and throw toys INTO the pool.)
On Sunday Grandma Barb took us to a new indoor playground called Kid Junction that had climbing toys and slides, rides and games. Ada loved the play equipment, basketball and the air hockey table (Team Daddy took the gold in the photo below) but was not much a fan of any of the rides. Can you tell? 😉
We had to leave for Jersey today, but not before helping Grandma Barb to feed the local, tame squirrels. (A strange thing, right? But Ada was totally game.)
We are currently in the car on the ride home. Ada has been sleeping in the car for most of the ride… Fingers crossed for a smooth last hour home!


















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