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Fast forward almost 2 months

Posted by on October 14, 2013

Zoom! It’s been a good, erm, 5 weeks since we returned from Budapest and Italy. Since then I have told myself that Ada’s blog is chronological, and the photos from Europe need to go up before anything new. It preserves the integrity of our linear scroll, or something like that. However, the best photos haven’t migrated from Daddy’s camera to any useable format, so we’re going to hop forward with a promise that the best pics from Europe are beautiful. And coming. Someday.

In the meantime, the month back after our incredible, challenging, and never-long-enough trip to a number of beautiful places has found Ada growing in leaps and bounds. We noticed her language and development really blooming while we were away, and knew that in part she was gaining skills and words being around so many family members and doing new and interesting things all the time. She also turned 19 months while we were away, and that window of 18-21 months, as I’ve been reading, is one of a LOT of big changes. It’s also a window of “disequilibrium,” to put it modestly. The little ones can have a hard time getting their arms and minds around all the changes happening in quick succession, and the adjustments can be rough on everyone. It was a relief to come home and read up on toddler development, and to see that the frustrations we’d been having in terms of sleep, big emotions, and tantrums are all… normal.

In any case, the upshot of all this growth is a little girl who is very clear about what she wants (and doesn’t want) and more and more able to communicate it all the time. More often than not, when you speak a full sentence to her, she’ll repeat the very last word back to you, and within a few days, that word will have worked its way into her vocabulary. Just today she came up with “buddha” in reference to a little sculpture we have in a window, and “Brian,” one of our daddy friends. Her favorite phrases of the moment are “Ready, set, go!” and “I do it.” (ahem.)

Since the weather has been autumn-beautiful, we’ve been spending our days at parks, walking to and along the waterfront, and at various art and music classes. We’ve even started bringing home works of art in watercolor with her name in the bottom right corner. You know, like a big kid!

So with no particular method to the madness, here are a bunch of my favorite photos from the last month or so…

(Editor’s note for grandmothers who like to save and/or print photos: since the gallery images are small, be sure to click through and then click AGAIN to get the full size images. We’re happy to help if needed. ;))

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