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LA, baby – er, toddler!

Posted by on July 10, 2013

We’re just about re-acclimated to East coast time again, so it’s time for an update about our wonderful trip to California! Daddy couldn’t get time off of work for this trip, so it was all about the gals and Grandpa T. For a week full of so many fun adventures, it was reaaallly relaxing. (Well, relaxing for Mama, ahem. Grandma Nikki and Grandpa T might have a different version of events.) We went biking on the beach, played at the parks, visited with the Usual Suspects and took a dip in Les & Diane’s pool. We even got to meet up with some old friends from London, Jolene and her baby Elijah who is just 2 months older than Ada.

When we returned Daddy was surprised to see how much Ada had grown in the week that we were away. Every now and then she’ll mature in some unspecific way and we’ll notice that something is different, without being able to put a finger on exactly what. But when we returned this time Ada seemed stronger, more chatty and more agile. It was all that healthy ocean air, combined with Grandma’s good food and regular playtime with Grandpa T! She might have even come home with a suggestion of a baby tan and sunkissed blonde highlights. (A TAN? Whose child is this?)

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for so much good food, toys, outings, naps (for both of us), new baby clothes and deluxe accommodations – we’re both completely spoiled! =)



“Come admire my view,” she says.


At Hesse Park with Grandma Ni-Ni! They have crows the size of chickens there. Ada was impressed.


Ada found the best seat in the house: a corner window seat!


Riding behind Grandpa T along the beach! She didn’t love the seat belts, no surprise.


They have *swings* on the *beach*! This was way cooler than boring old Hamilton Park. A baby could swing and watch the tide come in.


Jukis on the beach! The expression on Ada’s face perfectly mirrors her attitude (her daddy’s too) about the sand and the ocean. Bleh!


“Yes, yes, very pretty. More swings, please?”


The big-eyed surprise face we see so much now.


We had a play date with our friends Jolene and Elijah. And later the mamas got to go on a mommy date without babies where we ate dinner, had a glass of wine… and talked about our babies. =)


Ada lurrrves Elijah.


Ada copyedits for Grandma Ni-ni. “No Ni-ni, you need a SEMI-colon.”

Back at the park, giving the big cement turtle some love.

Back at the park, giving the big cement turtle some love.


At Les and Diane’s house, borrowing the kids’ tricycle. Ada went swimming and got to wear her bathing suit for the first time this summer. (Sad but true.)


Gramps T taking Ada out for a walk in our new top-of-the-line hiking sherpa. We’re all set for Budapest and Italy!


Sniff, sniff! You have to scrunch your nose up if you really mean it.


A fuzzy photo, but this is a baby with her iPad, sitting first class on the plane ride home. Uh huh, yep.

One Response to LA, baby – er, toddler!

  1. joco

    Drágáim.köszönöm,hogy kültetek képeket.A szeretett los Angeleszben voltatok és Adának már külön repülőjegyek van és bisztos joéresztétek magatokat ad klasz tengerparton voltatok.Tibivel beszéltem és monta,hogy Ada nemszerti a tengerparti homokot.A nagyapa vitte ad biciglin ad gyereket,jolehetett.írod,hogy budapest utána mentek olaszországban ha nemlennék ijen kripli,én is mehetnék olazországban.Zsuzsi Judit és a bonifác,szeptemberben mennek ad garda tóhoz egy hétre.sajnos én nemtudok.menni így csak nyüglennék.nekem elég a gárdony.mostmár tényleg nemsokára jöttök budapestre.sok puszi az egészcsaládnak jocó.

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