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Gold star parenting moment

Posted by on November 28, 2012

Or: why you should always carefully cut up your kid’s spaghetti

Last night I was giving Ada a snack, a few bites of leftover spaghetti. She was doing well with it but started coughing afterwards. I didn’t think much of it, gave her some water, but then the coughing escalated. And sneezing started. And her nose starting running all over the place. It just wouldn’t stop, the poor thing. Eric wasn’t home and I was starting to worry, like is this what a food allergy looks like, who am I going to call, what’s going on, why is she still coughing... and then she sneezed again, and I saw a booger start to come out of her nose. I went to grab it, and she sneezed again, and look what shot OUT OF HER NOSE and directly into my hand. 3 inches, folks. Heaven help us. I don’t even understand how that’s possible.


3 Responses to Gold star parenting moment

  1. nita

    OH NO(SE)! Although that is kinda funny. 🙂

  2. Su

    Oh Poor Ada!! My best friend in high school used to do this trick all the time. She would start to swallow a piece of tooth floss and somehow she’d manage to get it to come out her nose while the end was still in her mouth!! Crazy. Glad the wee lass isn’t allergic to pasta. How horrible would that be xoxo

  3. Pat Larsen

    Our girl obviously has talent! Scary for both of you the first time, but to discover your party trick at such a young age is pretty special.

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