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Everything is better with pals.

Posted by on August 29, 2012

She has no shortage of friends, this gal. There’s no way to know whether we or any of our friends will stay local for years to come, but it is fun to think about whether she’ll be one day going to high school with the same little boys and girls she plays with now.

Last weekend we took a trip to see Jaymie, Geb and nearly-one-year-old Sam. (We visited them a month or so ago and took photos in their backyard pool.) This time we took a walk to a neighborhood park and Ada got to play on a baby swing for the first time.

And last week Mama and Ada took an exciting overnight trip to the Jersey Shore to stay with our friend/doula Mollie and her 4-year old daughter, Lala. Ada just loves playing with the bigger kids. They make her laugh like no one else can!

In any case, our trip to the beach was a success: no meltdowns, no sunburn, a bit of play time in the sand, a quick trip into the Atlantic and a lovely walk along the beach. Trips to the beach aren’t exactly relaxing anymore (what with baby wrangling to keep her in the shade and constant surveillance against sand in tiny mouths and eyes), but it was a beautiful day. We found out after we got back that there have been recent hammerhead shark sightings at the beach we visited, but none to be seen while we were there.

Waiting [mostly] patiently to get going to the beach! Having a friend in the backseat made the trip so much nicer for Ada.

She says N-O to hats.

Playing at the beach: way more fun than playing at home, in much cuter outfits.

The evening we got back there was also a play date with Miller, Owen, 2-month old Miles and their respective Mommies. It’s so much fun to get together now that the little ones can sit up, play and interact. Of course, it’s more work to ensure that no one konks a friend over the head with a wooden block, but it’s totally worth the vigilance. (Are we seeing a theme this week?)

Friends’ toys are so much more interesting than our own. It’s true at any age.

Big girl blocks!

Incidentally, mamahood is also far better when done with pals by your side. (Left to right: Owen, Miles, Ada and Miller.)

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